About Wai Tai 公司簡介
Wai Tai Engineering Co. was established on 15 March 2003. Wai Tai Engineering (H.K.) Co., Limited was found on 21 June 2010. Wai Tai Engineering is a construction subcontractor in Hong Kong. Our major business is Architectural Builders Works and Finishes (ABWF) of MTR stations and infrastructures. Our scope of works includes but not limited to plastering, screeding, blockwork, tiling, stonework and painting. 偉泰工程(香港)有限公司自2013年起成為泥水商協會的公司會員,2020年成為註冊專門行業承造商聯會的創會公司會員。偉泰香港於2021年1月5日升格為註冊專門行業承造商泥水第二組別,合資格承接不設金額上限的泥水(即牆身及地台批盪﹑砌瓦和砌磚)工程合約。 Wai Tai Engineering (H.K.) Co., Limited has been a corporate member of the Association of Plastering Sub-Contractors (APSC) since 2013 and became a co-founding corporate member of the Registered Specialist Trade Contractors Federation (RSTCF) in 2020. WTHK was upgraded to Registered Specialist Trade Contractor (Plastering Group 2) on 5 January 2021 and thus became eligible to take wet trade (including wall plastering & floor screeding, tiling and blockwork) contracts without upper limit on contract sum. |